Strike for all members of the worker’s unions

Strike for all members of the worker’s unions

The four workers´ unions: Havnar Arbeiðarafelag, Føroya Arbeiðarafelag, Klaksvíkar Arbeiðskvinnufelag og Klaksvíkar Arbeiðsmannafelag, have today rejected the settlement from the conciliation board and have thereby announced a strike. 

Our limit is so far from the draft settlement, that we immediately decided to reject it.

“Our members deserve a proper raise”, the presidents of the workers´ unions said.

The workers´ strike applies to all members and all fields of work within our agreement. These are workers on for example: fish-, pelagic- and salmon factories, the building industry, cleaning staff, bus drivers, watchmen, dock workers, stevedore workers, soil- and concrete workers, outdoors-cleaning staff and garbage collectors, lorry-, trailer-, and road-tanker drivers, road- and tunnel workers, warehouse workers, hotel- and restaurant staff etc.

The strike will come into force on TUESDAY May 14th at 00.00. 

Best regards
Føroya Arbeiðarafelag 
Havnar Arbeiðarafelag 
Klaksvíkar Arbeiðskvinnufelag 
Klaksvíkar Arbeiðsmannafelag